
Why Do Men Have a Harder Time Being Alone?

Why does it seem men have a harder time being alone than women? For one thing, it might be that women socialize with each other and share more than men do. They share both the good and the bad. This may actually be the very reason that makes the experience of being alone so much more painful for men.

Men do not tend to share their pain, but rather try to share their feats and accomplishments in an an attempt to posture or create the impression of strength amongst other men. No man wants to be on the losing end of a competition.

Thoughts on Moving Forward from the Boston Marathon Bombing, Perspectives from a Bostonian


In light of the events of the last week, which I'm sure have captivated most people's attention, an appropriate question I've heard and read many people asking is how does one begin to carry on with life as usual after a week of carnage and terror? I felt I would be remiss if I simply went back to business as usual without mentioning them at all, particularly since I am always talking big about the merits of people using adversity to make themselves stronger.

How ADHD Medications Work: Demystifying ADD


The diagnosis and treatment of ADD has had a controversial history. The medical establishment has identified ADD as a diagnosable disorder and outlined specific treatments to mange symptoms. However, some groups have claimed that ADD is a conspiracy developed by the pharmaceutical companies to make money off the sales of drugs developed for what they deem a fictional disorder. Given this history, it seemed appropriate to address the issue of ADD and the efficacy of medications in this week’s blog.